Scientific Notation Converter

Scientific Notation Converter

Convert numbers to and from scientific notation

Number Conversion Guide

Number Conversion Guide

Convert numbers between various formats

Convert a number to and from scientific notation, e notation, engineering notation, standard form, and real numbers. Enter a number, decimal number, or scientific notation, and the calculator converts it to all formats.

To enter a number in scientific notation, use a carat ^ to indicate the powers of 10 or enter numbers in e notation (e.g., 4.56 x 10^6 or 4.56e6).

Order of Magnitude

Identifies the power of 10 for the given number. For instance, 4.56 x 10^6 has an order of magnitude of 6.

Scientific Notation

The format is a x 10^b where 1 ≤ |a| < 10 and b is an integer. Move the decimal point to create a, count the moves for b.


Convert 123,456 to Scientific Notation:

  1. Move decimal 5 places left: 1.23456.
  2. a = 1.23456, b = 5.
  3. Result: 1.23456 x 10^5.

Convert 0.00789 to Scientific Notation:

  1. Move decimal 3 places right: 7.89.
  2. a = 7.89, b = -3.
  3. Result: 7.89 x 10^-3.

Conversion Table

Standard Notation Scientific Notation E Notation Standard Form
123456 1.23456 x 10^5 1.23456e5 1.23456 x 10^5
98.7 9.87 x 10^1 9.87e1 9.87 x 10^1
0.00456 4.56 x 10^-3 4.56e-3 4.56 x 10^-3
0.000123 1.23 x 10^-4 1.23e-4 1.23 x 10^-4

Real Number Conversion

Multiply a by 10 raised to the power of b.


1.234 x 10^3 = 1234.

1.234 x 10^-3 = 0.001234.

E Notation

Similar to scientific notation but uses e instead of x 10^.


This guide provides a comprehensive method to convert numbers into different notations. Utilizing this tool can greatly simplify calculations and understanding of large or small numbers.


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