Current CSS Background
CSS Gradient Color Picker Online Free Tool
Have you ever wanted to pick a gradient color for an element on your webpage, but don’t want to leave your browser? Now you can use the gradient color picker online! Just go to a page that has a gradient background and you’ll see a color field where you can input a hex color. The color picker will display the closest matching color.
CSS Gradient Color Picker allows you to select any color you like and then use it as a gradient background. CSS Gradient Color Picker easier than ever to create gradient backgrounds for websites and applications.
Sometimes you need to pick a color for your design without going through the hassle of finding a color on a page or in a specific palette. That’s where the CSS Gradient Color Picker comes in. Using the CSS Gradient Color Picker, you can create a color gradient without leaving the web browser. The CSS Gradient Color Picker is a Chrome extension that uses the Google Color Gradient Generator to create gradient color palettes for you.
The CSS Gradient Color Picker can be used to select colors from a gradient. CSS Gradient Color Picker works just like the CSS Color Picker, except that you select a color from a gradient instead of picking a single color from a canvas. The CSS Gradient Color Picker currently has two modes of operation: image- gradient and color. In image-gradient mode, you can upload an SVG file, choose a gradient to use, and the color picker will use the gradient as the background for the color field.
what is Gradient Color?
Linear Gradients
Linear Gradient Code:
background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #020024 0%, #090979 35%, #00d4ff 100%);
Radial Gradient:
Radial Gradient Code:
background-image: radial-gradient(circle, #5c0067 0%, #00d4ff 100%);