Ratio Calculator

Ratio Calculator

Calculate the missing value in the ratio A:B = C:D


Ratio Scaling Calculator

Ratio and Aspect Ratio Calculators

What is Ratio and How is it Calculated?

A ratio is a mathematical expression that compares two numbers, indicating how many times the first number contains the second. Ratios can be written in several forms, such as “a to b” or “a:b” or as a fraction a/b. Ratios are useful for comparing quantities and are widely used in various fields such as finance, cooking, and engineering.

To calculate a ratio, divide the two numbers by their greatest common divisor (GCD). This simplifies the ratio to its smallest whole number form.

For example, to find the ratio of 8 to 12, you would:

  • Divide both numbers by their GCD, which is 4.
  • 8 ÷ 4 = 2
  • 12 ÷ 4 = 3

So, the ratio of 8 to 12 is 2:3.

The Ratio Calculator tool on OctaWebTools allows you to easily calculate and simplify ratios. It is a useful tool for quickly finding the ratio between two numbers without manual calculations, ensuring accuracy and saving time.

Common Aspect Ratios and Screen/Video Resolutions

Aspect ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of a geometric shape. For rectangles, it is specifically the ratio of the width to the height. While aspect ratios are commonly utilized in various applications like tire and paper sizing, as well as standard photographic prints, they are most frequently applied to computer screens, mobile phone displays, and video formats. Below is a list of common computer screen and video resolutions along with their respective aspect ratios.

Name Aspect Ratio Width (pixel) Height (pixel)
480p 3:2 720 480
576p 5:4 720 576
720p 16:9 1280 720
1080p 16:9 1920 1080
2160p (4K UHD) 16:9 3840 2160
4320p (8K UHD) 16:9 7680 4320
8640p 16:9 15360 8640
SVGA 4:3 800 600
WSVGA ~17:10 1024 600
XGA 4:3 1024 768
XGA+ 4:3 1152 864
WXGA 16:9 1280 720
WXGA 5:3 1280 768
WXGA 16:10 1280 800
SXGA (UVGA) 4:3 1280 960
SXGA 5:4 1280 1024
HD ~16:9 1360 768
HD ~16:9 1366 768
SXGA+ 4:3 1400 1050
WXGA+ 16:10 1440 900
HD+ 16:9 1600 900
UXGA 4:3 1600 1200
WSXGA+ 16:10 1680 1050
FHD 16:9 1920 1080
WUXGA 16:10 1920 1200
QWXGA 16:9 2048 1152
WQHD 16:9 2560 1440
WQXGA 16:10 2560 1600


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